Omega GDPR/CCPA Cookie Banner

Omega GDPR/CCPA Cookie Banner helps you stay both on-brand and regulation-complied. This simple and straightforward tool has been helping over 6000 merchants worldwide of different sizes. Let us help you too!

Help merchants stay

EU GDPR and CCPA aren't that difficult to stay complied if you get some help from us. Our app allows your store to stay legal and foster trust between your brand and customers.

Get the app
  • Stay complied to the rule

    No matter which data privacy regulation you have to follow, we've got you covered.

  • Foster trust with your customers

    Privacy is a major factor in today's world. A trustworthy cookie banner and the ability to manage cookie per their liking would tremendously help your brand.

  • Stay on-brand

    Edit the cookie bar to your preference so that it isn't only regulation-complied but also brandable.

  • Pixels integrated

    Omega GDPR/CCPA Cookie Banner can also be integrated with Omega ‑ Multi Facebook Pixels and Omega ‑ Multi TikTok Pixels, the leading tracking solution for iOS14 on social media.